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This is wrong is supposed to be something like this passing true (5,4)and parallel to y =-5x+4

Answer provided by our tutors

First you need to find the equation of the line trough (5,4) and parallel to y=-5x + 4.

The equation of the line is 'y = mx + b', where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept.

Two lines are parallel if and only if they have same slope.

Since the slop of y=-5x + 4 is -5 follows m = -5.

Now we have y = -5x + b that goes trough (5, 4).

The means if we plug x = 5 then y = 4. We use this fact to find 'b':

4 = -5*5 + b

-25 + b = 4

b = 4 + 25

b = 29

The equation of the line in slope intercept is:

y = -5x + 29

click here to see the graph

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