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Hello , the equation , x^4 +19cx^2 +90c^2 ,

I see what they must of done to get this answer , but I do have a question about this format in regards to the quadratic form . I thought that the quadratic form had to of been written as such ; ax^2 +bx +c . if that's the case , then shouldn't this equation of been re-written as such; 19cx^2 +90c^2 +x^4 .

MY CONFUSION is that I thought that the 1st term had to of started with a square , and the middle a none square ..

BUT looking at the calculator ,I'm guessing either the 1ST or LAST term has to start with a square and the middle a none square , yes ?

Again , my only question is about format , I see how they must of solved it if what I assumed is what they did .

Thank you .

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