Who we are
Doyourmath.com is a subsidiary of Softmath Inc. , an education company that has been providing desktop math solutions for almost three decades.
Our purpose is to bring you the powerful desktop math technology wherever and whenever you need it. The web-enabled, step-by-step math solver that you are currently using is the first step in this direction. In the near future, we will make this technology accessible not only from laptops and tablets but also from your smart phone.
We will be expanding doyourmath.com, transforming it into a complete math-learning environment. Our initial expansion will be the addition of high-quality math videos, word problem solver (human-powered!) and assessment instruments, allowing you to monitor your progress.
Stay tuned!
Contact information
Ste. 105-181
19179 Blanco Rd #181
San Antonio, TX 78258
PhoneUSA: (512) 788-5675
Fax: (512) 519-1805
Customer service hours:
M-F: 7:00am - 9:00pm