Frequent Questions about our Solver

The problem

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I'm new to Do Your Math, and I'm wondering if you can see the problem I'm working on. If so, I won't have to type it every time I have a question.

If you can, please tell me where the +3 came from in the first step.

Here it is, but do let me know if you see the problem anyway.


Thanks Roger

Answer provided by our tutors

Yes, the URL which is provided in your inquiry allows us to see the problem as entered into the solver.  Clicking on a particular solution step allows you to review the logic which is employed and your equation first solves for a least common denominator, which is '3' for the right side. 

It is also worth pointing out that the 'Options' tab is a good way to control how many solution steps are displayed.  It is typically best to begin with 'a few steps' and then increase the number of steps when the additional steps are helpful rather than overwhelming or confusing. 

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