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Hi there,

I just wondering what are the solutions for these questions:

1. If 2x^2y=5, then 4x^4y^2= ?

2. If the GNP of a certain country in 2000 was 8 billion dollars, write down an expression for the GNP 6 years later if it increases by 5% each year.


Please provide me the processes of calculation as well.

Kind regards


Answer provided by our tutors

Regarding the word problem, the solver does not allow direct entry of word problems.

Now, you are able to get some limited help on word problems through the following link:

One initial step for word problems that is quite helpful, and many times ultimately faster, is to use a search engine with your word problem encased in quotes. That type of a search may well find the problem has already been solved through one of our sources (,, etc.). So finding an answer in such a manner would allow you to review that solution and verify that you accept it as a correct solution.

The other type of question you provided could only be answered through a "questimation" of what value might be appropriate.  I used with 'Advanced' tab and guessed that 4x^4y^2=25 must be correct since everything on the leftside is squared and hence 5^2=25... yep, those two graphs then coincide.  The problem, however, is not directly solvable through the solver.

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