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I wondered if I could copy and paste these steps into a word document, but it is not pasting very well, leaving many spaces between and the exponents don't copy well, is there something I can do that would format it here before I copy it to my word document?

Answer provided by our tutors

You might try a screenshot. On Windows, pressing "Alt+PrtScr" (the "print screen" button PrtScr is typically located to the upper-right of the main set of keys) copies an image of the screen into a buffer; after pressing "Alt+PrtScr", open up Word and use "Ctrl+v" to paste the buffer into the document - an image of what you are looking at should appear. Then save the document as a Word97 document that or open up something like PaintBrush and "Ctrl+v" will paste the image of the screen into that application and you are then able to save it as a PNG or JPG file for attachment.

The best way to copy-and-paste software results is to import an image of the solution into another application. To do this, print the output to a file rather than the printer.  In printing to a file you will probably prefer to select something like AdobeWriter as the printer unless your printer directly accepts postscript output, in which case the output file will be an image file.

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