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In first step fr + f . 2 power 3 . y = my How did you get two f's fr + f. 2 power 3 etc.?

I understand you multiplied both sides by r + 8y to get rid of this term on the right hand side, but how did you get two f's on the left hand side

fr + f . 2 power 3 etc

Answer provided by our tutors

First, product distributive property is used:

A*(B + C) = A*B + A*C

In your equation it will be:

f(r + 8y) = f*r + f*8*y

Also, 8 = 2*2*2 = 2^3 but this is not important, you can keep the '8' in the solution instead of '2^3'.

Since we want to solve for 'y' we need to move all the 'y' terms to one side and the rest on the other side. Then we isolate the variable by dividing both sides by 'm-8f'.

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